
Affiliate Marketing Services

Online marketing has created a rich, profitable field in which businesses can leverage online platforms to reach audiences of millions of customers at a time. However, that doesn’t always mean that your marketing is reaching the right customers. Affiliate marketing solves this age-old problem by eliminating the guesswork and putting control back in your hands. Through its results-focused nature, incisive targeting and tailored approach, affiliate marketing focuses on meeting each of your unique needs in a manner that’s more focused, scalable and—most importantly—controllable.

At Affilino, we dive deep into what makes your business and its products unique, and use this information to conceptualise a campaign that speaks in an honest way to your customers. By leveraging our long-running relationships with networks and affiliates that have built up a tremendous amount of trust among their audiences, our teams assure our clients of superior product visibility, higher click-through rates and a greater number of successful conversions.

Speaking To Your Targeted Demographics

No two customers are looking for exactly the same thing, but the right campaign can leverage an approach that speaks to specific demographics in broad strokes. By identifying—and leveraging—what your core customers have in common, properly tuned affiliate campaigns can hit all of the correct notes to substantially improve the effectiveness of your marketing efforts. Affilino creates affiliate campaigns across diverse platforms—including blogs, review sites and social media channels—in order to augment the visibility and appeal of your campaigns. Hitting all of the core touchpoints along the customer journey is how we build a greater level of mindshare and trust between your business and its customers. Regardless of your market sector, short- and long-term needs, and industry verticals, you can trust our teams to put together the high-performing campaigns that live up to your expectations.

Paying For What Works

Affiliate marketing is all about giving your business control over its campaigns. Rather than invest in an approach that might deliver subpar results, affiliate marketing enables you to pay only for what works. Whether you’re interested in improving leads, clicks or sales, your chosen affiliate works to earn a commission on every successful action that they generate, ensuring that you never have to pay for a campaign that isn’t hitting the mark. This approach not only offers your business a greater deal of flexibility and creativity in its marketing but also affords your campaigns much greater scalability. Paying only for the results that you’re looking for allows you to have a large network promoting your products or services without requiring a substantial up-front investment. Right from the outset the process, Affilino considers your unique needs in order to identity the network and affiliates that can hit the ground running and offer you an impressive return on your marketing investment.


Tailored Uniquely To You

Results are foremost among the minds of marketers, but with an affiliate campaign, how you define success if entirely up to you. Whether you’re looking to expand your visibility through a higher volume of clicks and traffic or give your customers the final push that they need to follow-through with a conversion, affiliate marketing can fit seamlessly within the rest of your marketing platform. From pay-per-click campaigns across high volume affiliates to pay-per-lead approaches across networks that have established audiences interested in your niche, Affilino will enable you to round out your efforts by extracting greater value from your campaigns.

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